Details about the event on a red background
07 November 2018

Thursday, Nov 9, 6-8pm
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 West Weisheimer Rd.
Casual discussions in the summer of 2012 evolved into a fun and successful fundraiser the following November. In April 2013, Columbus CoR...

People at a party in the background and on a table in front a sparkly purple pointy hat with a wide brim and with an orange band around it
07 November 2018

Date: Friday November 9th
Time: 9:00pm
Venue: Skully's Music Diner, 1151 N. High St.
We are transforming one of your favorite venues into Hogwarts and throw a huge dance party!!! Errol the Owl's delivering cheap...

Striped colors like painted across screen light blue at top then pink then white in the middle, then pink then light blue
06 November 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 4-7pm, Ohio Statehouse

The Trump-Pence administration is attempting to legally redefine gender on a narrowly “sex”-based male-female basis that would gut enforcement of existing civil rights protections for...

Colorful image of two fists of different colors and two hands making peace signs behind the word VOTE
05 November 2018

Tuesday, November 6

Older black woman with short curly black hair, white pearl necklace, blue dress, standing and smiling while gesturing in front of lots of people holding signs that say Stacey Abrams
05 November 2018

A host of voter suppression and voter purging strategies serendipitously put into play by Republican state super-majorities could derail any hopes of a Blue Wave.

Since 2008, 23...

Young white man with long brown curly hair and glasses holding a very large red flag standing in front of a crowd raising his fist in the air
04 November 2018

A few dozen activists gathered at Columbus City Hall on Saturday November 3 at 1pm to Fight the Right! They called for an end to the violence and for everyone to get organized to build a better world. The reason for the rally: this past...


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