Monday, November 5, 2018, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Marcos Knoblauch has been a full-time...
Sunday, November 4, 4pm, Boulevard Presbyterian Church, 1235 Northwest Blvd.
The Neighborhood Services, Inc. Food Pantry is excited to present its annual Church Choir Concert Fundraiser! Featuring the combined talented vocals of...
Candidates have their campaigns energized by Trump, but it may be for good or bad. Some candidates would like to accept his endorsement softly, but that is not possible. Trump’s endorsements may harm their chance of election because:...
This essay poses reply to the polemics being waged against Ohio Issue 1, which are gaining strong momentum across media channels in the run-up to the election. These include the Issue’s rejection by judges of the Montgomery County Court...
Friday, November 2, 7:30pm, King Ave. United Methodist Church, 299 King Ave.
Civil Rights Sit-Ins. Bell-Bottoms. Anti-War Marches. Student Power. Afros. Mini-Skirts. Hippies. Riots. Space Flights. The Generation Gap.
One of the unrecognized benefits of music is its value as an anthropological tool. Music functions as the soundtrack of a culture, identifying norms and taboos and painting a vivid picture of the lives of its listeners. Music is also...