Lots of white handled thick marker pens all in a row making squiggly lines of different colors
11 June 2018

While crossing High Street at Graceland Boulevard in Clintonville the other day, I noticed a bumper sticker stuck to one of the light poles. It read “Fluoride: There is poison in the tap water” with a link to the ultra-conservative,...

Blue background with partial photo of small child holding a glass of water and words Safe water for our kids, Columbus no place for Frack Waste
11 June 2018

Drink Water? Breathe air? Depend on safe soil? Then this urgent message is for you.

Central Ohioans have less than a month to protect our water, air and soil from the fracking waste passing through our watershed. According to...

Photo of black woman smiling with her hand by her cheek and lots of white flowers in her hair
10 June 2018

Monday, June 11, 6-8pm, The Vanderelli Room, 218 McDowell St.

Pride started as a riot — and Marsha P. Johnson, legendary Black trans activist and elder, was there to see it through. Marsha worked throughout her life to protect...

Four guy onstage playing guitars, harmonica and singing wearing cowboy type of clothes
08 June 2018

This is a music story that begins, oddly enough, in a courtroom at the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio. Around a month ago, I happened to be present when arguments were being made in the case of...

Drawing of a woman with large pink and purple hair with lots of marijuana leaves around and words Comfest declares the year of the woman and the FREE PRESS at top
08 June 2018

Saturday, June 9, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St.
Network and socialize with progressive friends, food, drink, music and a political presentation. Free. No RSVP required. colsfreepress@...

07 June 2018

Cleveland.com is reporting that Senator Sherrod Brown has strongly denounced yesterday’s aggressive, military-style raids on the Corso’s Flower and Garden Center in Sandusky and Castalia, calling them “immoral” and an “insane policy.” ...


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