While crossing High Street at Graceland Boulevard in Clintonville the other day, I noticed a bumper sticker stuck to one of the light poles. It read “Fluoride: There is poison in the tap water” with a link to the ultra-conservative,...
Drink Water? Breathe air? Depend on safe soil? Then this urgent message is for you.
Central Ohioans have less than a month to protect our water, air and soil from the fracking waste passing through our watershed. According to...
Monday, June 11, 6-8pm, The Vanderelli Room, 218 McDowell St.
Pride started as a riot — and Marsha P. Johnson, legendary Black trans activist and elder, was there to see it through. Marsha worked throughout her life to protect...
This is a music story that begins, oddly enough, in a courtroom at the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio. Around a month ago, I happened to be present when arguments were being made in the case of...
Saturday, June 9, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St.
Network and socialize with progressive friends, food, drink, music and a political presentation. Free. No RSVP required. colsfreepress@...
Cleveland.com is reporting that Senator Sherrod Brown has strongly denounced yesterday’s aggressive, military-style raids on the Corso’s Flower and Garden Center in Sandusky and Castalia, calling them “immoral” and an “insane policy.” ...