Blue background with words Classics to 2020
17 June 2018

June 17, 2018, 7-10pm
3428 3rd Ave, Grove City, 43123
There will be major designers from all around the world. Gaming sessions on all consoles that our attendees can play. Food will be sereved and also having a keynote...

Different colored hands in a circle around the words Care and Share timebank with a blue background
17 June 2018

Sunday, June 17, 6:30-8:30pm
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.
Bring something tasty to share with others and, if you wish, bring a card with the ingredients so all our varied diet preferences can...

17 June 2018

Shortly after the Columbus Community Pride festival started on Saturday, June 16 at Mayme Moore Park in Columbus, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy – an activist for more than 50 plus years fighting for Black Tran’s Liberation – gave a speech on...

People on both sides of a street protesting each other
16 June 2018

A hundred or more Columbus people stood in a single file line in front of the Omar Ibn El-Khattab Mosque to protect it from a few dozen protestors -- presumably the "God Hates Fags" folks that arrive in the city every year to preach...

Police al suited up with helmets and bikes attacking stationary black people with black tape over their mouths
16 June 2018

Gay, lesbian, trans, queer people including drag queens shut down a major street downtown, disrupt traffic in the middle of the day on Friday, June 15 to protest Vice President Mike Pence – and what do the Columbus Police do? Let them...

People dancing and a rainbow flag flying
16 June 2018

Yesterday, June 14, 2018, Vice President Mike Pence came to Columbus, ironically during Gay Pride week. LGBTQ groups protested his visit, hosting DJs and drag queens in a dance party to make the notorious homophobic uncomfortable.



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