Blue Rock Station will conduct a five-day Solar Electric (Photovoltaic) Certification Workshop at Antioch College, 1 Morgan Pl...
Thurs, May 17, 3:30-5pm, Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square
Rally in support of raising Ohio’s minimum wage to $15 an hour co-sponsored by the United Methodist Women, Policy Matters Ohio, the Ohio Poor People’s Campaign, and SEIU...
Friends, I want to tell you the very disturbing news of a new corporate-driven scheme to poison you, your family and your pets with radioactive waste.
Aqua Salina is a product you can purchase by the gallon at Lowe’s or...
Tuesday, May 15, 4:30-6:30pm
Broad Street United Methodist Church, 501 E. Broad St.
We will gather outside Broad St. United Methodist Church (corner of E. Broad St and S. Washington Ave) at 4:30 PM for a March to the...
Saturday, May 12, 2018 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St., Columbus
Parking in...
Saturday, May 12, 9am-12pm
Goodale Park, 101 Buttles Ave.
Our next workday of the season is just around the corner!
Help keep Columbus, Ohio's oldest (and BEST!) city park looking beautiful. Weeding,...