Big silver solar panel on ground sideways aimed at sky with red leaved trees in the background
17 May 2018

Blue Rock Station will conduct a five-day Solar Electric (Photovoltaic) Certification Workshop at Antioch College, 1 Morgan Pl...

Orange drawing of lots of people standing and holding signs that say Fight for $15
17 May 2018

Thurs, May 17, 3:30-5pm, Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square
Rally in support of raising Ohio’s minimum wage to $15 an hour co-sponsored by the United Methodist Women, Policy Matters Ohio, the Ohio Poor People’s Campaign, and SEIU...

Glass looking bottle with white lid and label that says AquaSalina sitting outside in nature with grass and trees around
16 May 2018

Friends, I want to tell you the very disturbing news of a new corporate-driven scheme to poison you, your family and your pets with radioactive waste. 

Aqua Salina is a product you can purchase by the gallon at Lowe’s or...

Black and white photo of women and children walking down a dusty path outside with the woman in the foreground carrying a big heavy bag on her head
13 May 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 4:30-6:30pm
Broad Street United Methodist Church, 501 E. Broad St.
We will gather outside Broad St. United Methodist Church (corner of E. Broad St and S. Washington Ave) at 4:30 PM for a March to the...

Latino man in foreground with drum around his neck and hitting it with drumsticks, his mouth open chanting, wearing a shirt that says Boycott Wendys with a picture of a girl's head with red pigtails and a No sign around it (circle with line through it) and a Latino woman behind him holding a bright orange and yellow sign also with her mouth open chanting
12 May 2018

Saturday, May 12, 2018 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St., Columbus
Parking in...

Trees and a pond, tall grass and a white gazebo
11 May 2018

Saturday, May 12, 9am-12pm
Goodale Park, 101 Buttles Ave.
Our next workday of the season is just around the corner!

Help keep Columbus, Ohio's oldest (and BEST!) city park looking beautiful. Weeding,...


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