Young white and black women posing in a row with arms around each other smiling and wearing pink NARAL T-shirts
21 May 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 5:30-8pm
St.  James Taverm, 1075 N. 4th St.
Calling out all Repro allies, supporters, and advocates to join us for the May Reproductive Health Happy Hour at our favorite watering hole, St. James Tavern! ...

Smiling faces of white middle-aged men and women at a table in a restaurant
21 May 2018

Monday, May 21, 7:30-9pm
Whetstone Library, 3901 N. High St.
Want to help get Signatures?
Need To Drop off filled petitions & get More? Come say Hey to Your Team.
Pick Up your Volunteer T-shirt & yard...

The words Come Together in white over a blue cloud at top and details about the event in blue letters against white below
19 May 2018

Saturday, May 19, 6-9pm, Art Outside the Lines, 485 E. Livingston Ave.

COME TOGETHER! Join AOTL for a night of collaborative art making on Saturday, May 19th. Bring a friend, family member or loved one to a night of food, drinks...

White middle aged man with crew cut and big bags under his eyes wearing a suit looking off to the side with a very worried expression on his face
17 May 2018

State Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent (D-Central Ohio) introduces legislation that would extend the period of limitations for any criminal offense involving a minor as the victim.  

Current law dictates the period of...

Words: #Great Return March at top, then quote marks then words The killing of Palestinians demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response. the quote is attributed to Bernie Sanders. at the bottom it says # Gaza
17 May 2018

It is almost too horrible to imagine. On Monday, March 14, Israeli snipers opened fire on unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza. At least 52 were killed and over 750 injured from the live fire, which used expanding bullets that...

Three women in background holding songbooks and one in foreground smiling and holding flowers
17 May 2018

Columbus Women's Chorus, the only feminist chorus in central Ohio, presents this year’s spring concert, Songs for a New Day
Sunday, May 20, 2018, 3:00pm.
King Avenue United Methodist Church, ...


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