Sun, June 5, 12pm
61 Jefferson Ave.
This is our June Crafternoon event!
Help us get ready for PRIDE season!! We've got white tank tops AND t-shirts that say PRO CHOICE AF for you to tie-dye! The cost is $15...
Saturday, June 2, 10pm-2am, The Summit, 2210 Summit St.
It’s summertime, we chillin’ in the sun (finally), and Community Pride is about to JUMP OFF with four QTIPOC DJs from Columbus and Cleveland: Adab, Fana, A.S.L. Princess,...
I sat down last week ready to say how the week before had bruised my ego. Some (very, very few) progressives won Democratic primaries and the Korean negotiations collapsed overnight. I hadn’t expected any progressives to even...
Five years ago, five activists and I set up a protest action at the Wendy’s restaurant located on South High Street in Columbus, Ohio. We lined up on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant with a 30-foot-long banner that stated, “Wendy...
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the assassinations of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Already a surfeit of books about the two men are in the stores. Indeed, books about the sixties in...