Sleeveless T-shirt with colorful tie-dye pattern in a spiral and the words Pro choice AF
03 June 2018

Sun, June 5, 12pm
61 Jefferson Ave.
This is our June Crafternoon event!

Help us get ready for PRIDE season!! We've got white tank tops AND t-shirts that say PRO CHOICE AF for you to tie-dye! The cost is $15...

Round black circle with black fist rising as if its a tree from the ground with Columbus skyline in the background
02 June 2018

Saturday, June 2, 10pm-2am, The Summit, 2210 Summit St.

It’s summertime, we chillin’ in the sun (finally), and Community Pride is about to JUMP OFF with four QTIPOC DJs from Columbus and Cleveland: Adab, Fana, A.S.L. Princess,...

Words Families Belong Together against a black background
31 May 2018
June 01, 2018 • 12:00 PM
US Attorney’s Office
303 Marconi Blvd
Dark gray handgun lying sideways on a table with gold bullets strewn around it
29 May 2018

I sat down last week ready to say how the week before had bruised my ego. Some (very, very few) progressives won Democratic primaries and the Korean negotiations collapsed overnight. I hadn’t expected any progressives to even...

Dark-skinned men and women in green shirts at a demonstration marching to the left one holding a sign saying Penniless because of and two others holding big rust colored buckets
29 May 2018

Five years ago, five activists and I set up a protest action at the Wendy’s restaurant located on South High Street in Columbus, Ohio. We lined up on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant with a 30-foot-long banner that stated, “Wendy...

Book cover with photo of John F Kennedy and and MLK both shouting with their fists in the air and the word Kennedy and King
28 May 2018

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the assassinations of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Already a surfeit of books about the two men are in the stores. Indeed, books about the sixties in...


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