Movie poster for movie Solo with brown haired guy head and shoulders in the middle and lots of scenes of science fiction around him
04 June 2018

Like the balcony of a poorly-made condo, box office records don’t seem to stay up for long. Just so far this summer, Avengers: Infinity War has taken the top spot for the biggest opening weekend, dethroning Star Wars: The Force Awakens...

Young man with brown hair looking sideways and a big brown horse leaning its head toward his lap
04 June 2018

The physical toll that football takes on athletes has been a source of controversy in recent years. A new and offbeat movie looks at the toll paid by an athlete who practices an even more dangerous sport: rodeo.

The Rider has...

Smiling black man with big sunglasses and long braids in a black shirt
04 June 2018

You’re in good company. Maybe you don’t know any vegans personally – except maybe Eriyah, but here’s the names of some famous vegans you may already admire:

Stevie Wonder

Dennis Kucinich

Joan Jett


White man with brown hair playing a guitar and singing at a mic with other musicians
04 June 2018

This is a little weird so bear with me, folks.

I'm gonna write you about the best night o' music I've had so far this year--the Andyman tribute a month ago at the Little Rock Bar on N. Fourth Street by the Joe Peppercorn...

Drawing of girl's head with red pigtails with blue bows and freckles with a circle and line through it in black on top of her indicating No, and the words Wendy's Boycott
04 June 2018

As we go to press, dozens of farmworker women and men from Florida and scores of clergy, students and consumer allies from around Columbus and the country plan to converge at Wendy’s Dublin, Ohio headquarters on Tuesday morning, June 5...

Red cross with a green marijuana leaf in front and the words Marijuana is Medicine
04 June 2018

Even though The Ohio State University has researched cannabis to discover new therapeutic benefits, the university is refusing to test cannabis for The Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program.

State law says medical marijuana,...


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