Most people generally feel that their piece of the American dream as landowners is located in the best part of the country. That, as landowners, their slice of heaven on earth is the best, and indeed that may be true for...
The verdicts have been reached:
Wriply Bennet: Disorderly Conduct - Guilty
Failure to Obey - Guilty
Resisting Arrest - Guilty
Ashley: Disorderly Conduct - Guilty
Failure to Obey - Guilty
Today’s program: Pat Marida. Pat will speak about Ohio’s nuclear reactors and the Portsmouth Nuclear Site, nuclear threats to the Great Lakes,...
Students For Opioid Solutions, a grassroots movement to prevent opioid deaths on college campuses, is proud to announce that February 7, the Undergraduate Student Government at THE Ohio State University unanimously passed SOS’...
Great news! Today, Governor John Kasich announced he will grant a reprieve until October 17, 2018 to Ray Tibbetts, who had been scheduled for execution on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. The purpose of this temporary reprieve is to allow...
The jury in the #BlackPride4 trial deliberated until 7pm on Friday, February 9. They broke for the weekend. Their deliberation will continue on Monday, February 12.