Wednesday, February 7, from 7-9pm
Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Ave.
Join Cesar and other activists/allies across OH to help champion a Clean Dream Act and fight for justice for the 11 million undocumented...
Opening arguments happened today, February 6, in Franklin County Municipal Court. The courtroom was packed with #BlackPride4 supporters.
In their opening argument, the City prosecution emphasized that the protestors did not have...
Gubernatorial candidate Dennis Kucinich addressed the first town hall forum of the Progressive Democrats of America Central Ohio chapter on February 5. Kucinich emphasized that he is for universal health care and when in Congress had...
Tuesday, February 6, 11am-1pm
112 E Main St, Columbus
We live in a city in which our elected officials take millions of dollars from our failing schools to prop up commercial real estate properties in the hottest real...
Jury selection began today in the Franklin County Municipal Court for three of the four members of the #BlackPride4. Judge Ebner asked the defendants if they were aware that they may face jail time if found guilty. She also...
This week, January traveled to Switzerland and was humanely put out of its misery. The politically dreadful first chapter of 2018 contained a lot of “excitement” and taught us plenty about those who supposedly represent us. Regrettably...