
White words in a red box at top saying Writing to Save a Life, another red box at bottom left saying The Louis Till File and a black and white head shot of a young black ham in a hat and suit
04 February 2018

Surely one of the most shocking murders of the modern day freedom movement was that of Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi, on August 28, 1955. The fourteen-year-old Chicago native was engaging in a time-honored tradition in the black,...

Four sketches of four young black people two men and two women with words Black Pride 4 under each of them like in a ribbon
03 February 2018

February 5-9, Franklin County Municipial Court, 375 S. High St.
Despite widespread outrage at their trumped-up charges, Wriply, Ashley, and Kendall of the #BlackPride4 are still scheduled to go to trial...

Close up of someone's fingers typing on a computer keyboard
02 February 2018

Saturday, February 3, 10-2pm

Middle aged white man with brown receding hair with wire rimmed glasses looking to the right with  a gray suitcoat and purple shirt his mouth open as if talking
02 February 2018

President Trump says – and the Supreme Court affirms – that we are “a nation of laws,” but no one questions “who” is making those laws.  It takes a people’s movement to overturn unjust law and advance rights. And Ohioans are launching...

Man with a beard and a big smile and wearing a white button down shirt standing in front of a door holding a guitar and a red heart shaped box
01 February 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018, 7:00 – 9:00 PM.  Game Night!  Join us for a game night to have fun and raise funds! 
The Columbus branch of the International Socialist Organization is fundraising for the...

Front of a building with ACORN BOOKSHOP on the sign, windows and a front door of glass, flowers out front.
01 February 2018

Indeed, a very near and dear friend has declared: my death is imminent, be prepared. Hospice forthwith. All good things must pass. Great things will always be remembered. Now what the hell are you going to do?

Acorn Bookshop hasn...


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