
Cover of a book, the background is like a sun with rays spreading out but is black and gray. Words in white say Worshipping Power, an anarachist view of early state formation
29 January 2018

Tuesday, Jan 30, 6-9pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St. room 100
Worshiping Power surveys a wide range of research responding to the question of where states came from, looking at the causes of politogenesis and...

A beige background shaped like the state of Ohio and the words Frack Free Ohio in Red white and blue
29 January 2018

Background: Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation is a petroleum, natural gas, and natural gas liquids exploration and production company based in Houston, Texas. Cabot is interested in drilling exploratory horizontal hydraulic wells in...

Middle aged white man with balding head wearing a blousy tie-front white shirt with tight shiny dark pants with a woman dancing sideways wearing a red bikini top and low-rider black pants and others dancing behind
29 January 2018

It’s been nearly nine years since Shadowbox Live time-traveled to the 1960s with Back to the Garden. The music-filled re-creation of the Woodstock Festival was such a success that the troupe has restaged it multiple times in multiple...

A woman looking like she's painted red, nude with her arms up across her breasts and hands with fingers spread near her throat. Her face is painted pure white and she has on a lot of makeup. Her hair is blonde, short and curly and the background is red.
29 January 2018

If I were to give a Damn the Witch Siren a Rorschach test to enable my intro paragraph description; I might show them clips of Lady Gaga, a drag queen dancing, Grimes, and Tracy and the Plastics.

According to their social media:...

A black marijuana leaf with a medical symbol in the middle
29 January 2018

You’re busy and don’t have time to look up the details on Ohio’s new medical marijuana program. We’re here to help with, well, a cheat sheet. You know, that quick fine print synopsis hidden under your sleeve. Destruct once done. Let’s...

Black and white photo of older black woman head and shoulders smiling with her glasses in her hand with her chin in her hand.
28 January 2018

Monday, January 29
10:00 a.m 
Conference Center Ballroom
315 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43215
The featured speaker at this year’s event is Nikki Giovanni, celebrated African-American poet and University...


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