
A drawing of two arms up in the air with fists where there are handcuffs being broken in two, a yellow burst of color where the handcuffs broke, and the words in red below, Human Trafficking Awareness
10 January 2018

Thursday, January 11, 8:30am-4pm, Ohio Statehouse

State Representative Teresa Fedor has worked tirelessly to overcome what she considers to be the human rights issue of our time — Human Trafficking. This year, she is joined by...

Big white capitol building with columns and turrets above windows in the background, lots of people posing in front holding placards each with a letter spelling out NARAL PRO-CHOICE OHIO
10 January 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 9:45am
Ohio Statehouse
Once again the Ohio legislature is attacking access to abortion in Ohio. This time by forcing abortion providers to follow different rules for disposal of biological tissues...

Round blue circle with words everyday people for positive change going around inside a ring in white letters, inside the circle a red hand doing a peace sign, a red hand making and fist and two red hands creating a heart with their fingers together
09 January 2018

Tuesday, Jan 9, 6:30-9:30pm
777 West State Street, Medical Office Building 2
It's time to put an end to the system that doles out tax abatements to multimillion dollar corporations while every day people call for real...

Smiling black woman with short cropped curly hair and a striped button down shirt standing with downtown buildings and a bridge across the river behind her
06 January 2018

Columbus voters rally to abolish City Council appointment process


COLUMBUS, OH – On Monday, Jan. 8 at 4:30 p.m., Yes We Can Columbus will host a rally outside City Hall to demand City Council...

The words Cannabis Expertise in the top right corner and at the bottom is the leveque lincoln tower
05 January 2018

Medical cannabis laws were signed into effect in June of 2016 and Ohio has been working on the rules, regulations and guidelines since. The Ohio State Medical Association has approved Extra Step Assurance’s division, Cannabis...

Buds of pot on  the left that look like just a ball of dirt, and a paper next to them that says Orgo Blackberry for Medical
04 January 2018

It turns out that cannabis is not the evil wacky weed we were led to believe by criminals disguised as politicians, but instead, provides the pathway to better living and good health. How does cannabis work as a medicine and why are so...


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