
Two pieces of hard bread with green and orange foodstuff on them on a white plate with a bowl and glass on the table in the background
03 January 2018

Little Eater, a concept restaurant designed to promote more organic, produce-based foods and support local farmers, has expanded operations into a stand-alone restaurant in Clintonville at High Street and Deland Avenue. While...

Guy in a black hoodie and brown heavy winter coat with fur collar sitting at a table with his face looking down where he is signing a CD
03 January 2018

Decide if you’re the Party of Caligula or Brewster's Millions.

Vladamir Putin: Reread the Communist Manifesto, and stop bribing Republican politicians who cut social programs and taking measures to create greater class...

Older man with unkempt gray long hair and a beard looking intensely at the camera wearing a cape
03 January 2018

Your heroes aren’t perfect. That’s the lesson of The Last Jedi, the latest feature film installment in the Star Wars series. Your heroes aren’t perfect, and they can’t single-handedly save the universe. Sometimes they...

A big green leaf with 7 leaves, a pot leaf it is, with words MARIJUANA in capitals below
03 January 2018

In late November, Ohio marijuana aficionados waited with excitement to see which 12 companies would receive a coveted Level 1 mega-grow cultivation license. To everyone’s surprise, of the 109 applicants, 73 were “disqualified.” Other...

On the left a black man facing right in a white shirt and tie looking at a woman his hands in front of him with fingers clasped like he's praying and the white woman with long brown hair to the left is looking up at him with arms folded wearing a pick shirt. They are standing in front of a window looking over a nighttime city scene
03 January 2018

Like the title character Jessica Chastain portrayed in last year’s Miss Sloane, the woman she plays in Molly’s Game is driven by fierce ambition and copious amounts of pharmaceuticals. Though the current film is a...

Black album cover with gray thin stripes in the middle there's a black man's face with a bowler hat on at the top it says Original Master Recording then below it says Willie Dixon, I am the Blues
03 January 2018

Can a record collection have a soul and does it reveal the man who owned it?

In my time on earth as a music dealer, I've bought a number of record collections from those who’ve passed and whom I’ve...


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