
Green bag with white background and words Hemp Seeds and pictures of five leaf plants
04 January 2018

Welcome to the anniversary of the Great Cannabis Comeback. 20 years ago it seemed industrial hemp’s eminence here in the state with the heart of it all seemed not so far away. A few years tops, advocates thought. The subject was in the...

Black background with words Hellroys with fire coming out of the word Hell and under that the words Dumb Country noise and remastered in parentheses
04 January 2018

December turned out to be a rough month for me in terms of getting out to see some shows. I guess I just picked up the holiday laziness. So on Christmas Eve I found myself looking through the archives of albums that local acts have...

Large white SUV with Police in letters on the side and lights on top
04 January 2018

As I write this article, the total number of homicides in Columbus has reached a record breaking number of 140, breaking the previously held record of 139 in 1991. The latest victims range in age from 37 to 57 years old.  Columbus is...

Purplish and reddish hues in a photo of several young people, black and white, holding their fingers as peace signs in the air, cheering and clapping under a tent with the words COMFEST in orange at top
04 January 2018


ComFest announces its 2018 Logo Contest and calls all artists to enter original designs.  Each year the selected logo appears on ComFest tee shirts, ComFest beer mugs, and the...

Ten or so little plant pots all with soil and small green marijuana plants in them
04 January 2018

Once upon a time, every medical marijuana ballot issue and legislative bill contained a provision to permit personal cultivation. In 2007, introduced, but long forgotten Ohio House Bill 343 would have allowed patients to possess 12...

Baldish white man wearing a suit holding a microphone and talking
03 January 2018

Ohio Democrats need a bold new leader, a gut fighter with a heart of gold to win back the governorship in 2018.

His name is Joe. Joe Schiavoni.

The two-term state senator from Boardman, who was born in Youngstown, is 39...


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