
Young black man facing left talking into a microphone, he has short cropped hair and glasses and a goatee, sitting in front of a plant
11 December 2017

Tuesday, December 12
Business meeting-6pm
Public meeting -7pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St.
If parking in rear- park in "R" spots only
Discussion on Franklin County jail reform, led by...

Young black woman in long flowing black and white dress wearing glasses standing straight and tall and calm and two older white heavily armed riot police looking like they are stepping back away from her
10 December 2017

Monday, Dec. 11, 6-7:30pm
Summit on 16th United Methodist Church, 82. E. 16th
Rosa Parks, Laymah Gbowee, Mary Hamilton, Mamie Till - all women whose fighting spirits helped crack injustice in their days. A call for women...

Black and white background of people at a rally and the words THIS FIGHT ISN'T OVER
09 December 2017

Saturday, Dec. 9, 12noon
Ohio Statehouse
We will be rallying at the Statehouse and then marching to Senator Rob Portman’s office in Solidarity with the national March for Tax Justice:...

A press conference with a black man in a suit holding a mic for another black man with glasses and a white shirt to talk into and other people standing around watching
07 December 2017

Columbus City Council members opened up their emails on November 20 to find a letter from Leah Aden, Senior Counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund (the “LDF”) calling for their attention. The LDF, which President Obama once called “...

The words Renee was HERE spray painted on a brown wall and a black woman with short hair and a red and white shirt with a black necklace and black pants stands against the wall looking to the right
07 December 2017

We finished at most 25 percent, or hopefully 50 percent, of suffering through a horrible new presidency. 2018 will emerge as a chance for state and congressional changes – albeit one where money, gerrymandering and racism will try to...

View down a sidewalk with people holding signs demonstrating and some bike cops facing them
06 December 2017

Friday, December 8, 4:30-6:30pm
Ohio Statehouse, Broad and High Streets
Hosted by ...


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