
A man with chin length curly brown hair looking intense sitting down with old fashioned clothes from the 30s and an older gray haired man in black with a black top hat leaning over his shoulder saying something in his ear, bookshelves in the background
06 December 2017

Theater troupes and filmmakers persist in telling and retelling A Christmas Carol year after year. And why not? Charles Dickens’s ghostly morality tale makes a moving case for redemption and generosity, the respective hallmarks...

Young geeky guy with big black rimmed glasses wearing a bathrobe holding an electric guitar in a room with two wooden stools
05 December 2017

Beauty and trance and grace--are you getting near the amount you need?

As Keith Richards has said, everybody needs some trance in their daily lives. Same for the other two artistic virtues. Our impoverished inner worlds are...

Two middle aged white men shaking hands very close together
05 December 2017

Because Gov. John Kasich is playing politics, Tom Noe is rotting in jail. Noe, one of 50,000 inmates in Ohio prisons, holds a unique distinction. He is a political prisoner, kept behind bars to please both political parties. Other...

Brick building with sign at top saying Used Kids and a storefront with windows, a black car parked in front
05 December 2017

There’s not a single independent record store on High Street across from campus. Thus the apocalypse for off-campus has officially arrived even though the bell has been tolling for the previous two decades.

True, the...

People serving food at a long table
05 December 2017

The Open Shelter of Columbus has had a year full of changes, and despite the organization’s stormy weather, the shelter will ring in the holidays in style with their annual holiday event “Ho Ho Hope For The Holidays.”


A hand holding a pastry that seems to be filled with yellowish fruit
05 December 2017

Doughasis, much like a proverbial oasis, pops-up in warm months the Granville Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings from 9:30 am to noon and indoors from December through February at the Granville Elementary School. It’s fare will quench...


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