
Many people posing in rows outside wearing winter clothes holding signs that say Live Will Win, Refugees Welcome, Justice, Ohio is my Home, Solidarity, Organize, and a woman in front on her knees with a fist in the air
18 December 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 5pm
URGENT! This is the last week to push for a clean Dream Act. We need your help to coordinate and advertise a vigil led by COWC Board Member and DACA recipient Jessica Camacho and other DACA/immigrant...

White background with lot of rainbow colored dots all over it and the words in black Self-care paint night and some paintbrushes below in a variety of colors and a little yellow star to the left with a happy face
17 December 2017

Sunday, Dec. 17, 6-9pm
Art Outside the Lines, 485 E. Livingston Ave.
Hosted by Central Ohio Street Medic Collective - COSMC
There will be plenty of activities happening simultaneously throughout the night. Wander...

Montage of photos, one of a group of people posing with Jill Stein, middle aged woman with short gray hair, one of a lot of people holding signs and marching outside
16 December 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017, 2-4pm
1021 E. Broad St.
Facebook Event
Come join the Ohio Greens for our Annual Holiday Party for Food, fun with Green...

Words USFS motto: Caring for the land and serving people" They are doing neither join us 12-14-2017 and tell them to do their job. #Keep Wayne Wild against a background of trees and a cliff
13 December 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2-4pm
13700 U.S. 33, Nelsonville Ohio
One year ago the Bureau of Land Management began auctioning off public land in...

13 December 2017

As Congress scrambles to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the GOP tax bill before Christmas, a nascent resistance movement is growing. On December 9 students and working people marched from the Ohio Statehouse to the office of...

Young black man facing left talking into a microphone, he has short cropped hair and glasses and a goatee, sitting in front of a plant
11 December 2017

Tuesday, December 12
Business meeting-6pm
Public meeting -7pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St.
If parking in rear- park in "R" spots only
Discussion on Franklin County jail reform, led by...


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