
A man with white hair and goatee standing outside petting a black cow who has a white stripe up her nose and the word Mercy below
31 October 2017


Nathan Runkle is a hero to farm animals and a hero to the Free Press. His new book Mercy for Animals chronicles the rise of the animal rights organization he founded in central Ohio at...

An album cover with words white on black at top The Kinks and Where Have all the good Times gone and then an oval below with yellow background with four young men with brown hair
31 October 2017

Where's the soundtrack? You can't have a revolution without the right music.

In high school I wanted to join the S.D.S. So bad and I loved Abbie Hoffman and here's a few of my...

Black background and words Solidarity Rally '17 November 17th and more info about the event
31 October 2017

Friday, November 17, 6:30-9:30pm
Genoa Park 303 W Broad St 
Join us to stand in solidarity!
We have some amazing and exciting things planned for Friday, the 17th including speakers representing many...

A large conical shaped cement building with other little buildings around and river of water leading to it with the words Davis Besse Ohi's Nuclear Nightmare
31 October 2017

Ohio House Bill 381: This bill introduced in October is new attempt to bail out Ohio’s two nuclear power plants, Davis-Besse and...

Colorful photo of empty plastic bottles all lying on top of each other in a heap
31 October 2017
Since our family car blew a head gasket this past May, I have been getting very familiar with the COTA bus system. Riding the bus comes with a certain amount of walking… and running! I walk from home to my nearest stop. I walk, or sprint,...
Black circle with lightbulb image in middle top, the word Protruth across the middle in black and orange on white and the word pledge in white below
31 October 2017

In these dark days of “fake news” and “alternative facts,” it’s hard to trust any politicians. How can we tell apart the ones who spout bald-faced lies from those who actually tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but...


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