Words Free Press Forum
13 January 2016

 As 2016 begins, here is my take on things. People, who espouse aging liberal political economic analysis, lack substance to challenge the Capitalist attacks on workers shriveled by underfunded compensation packages,...

Gun shooting heavy duty gun
13 January 2016

 The loudest response to President Obama’s executive action on gun control has unsurprisingly come from Second Amendment advocates on the right, seeing their worst...

OSU football game
13 January 2016

For sports fans in the state of Ohio, the year 2015 reads like something out of Charles Dickens novel. It was the first of times; it was the worst of times. And it was everywhere in between.

Man and woman walking down a hall
13 January 2016

Nominations for the Academy Awards are due out this week, but a couple of the prime Oscar candidates are just now making it to Central Ohio.

  As of last weekend, we can bask in the angst and atmosphere of...

John Kasich in front of flag
13 January 2016

The New York Times is no match for Gov. John Kasich's slick manipulation.

  We already know that The Columbus Dispatch is an easy mark for the governor turned presidential candidate.

  In a...


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