Elaborate ice sculpture
13 January 2016

Centuries ago in the epic Indian literature of ‘Mahabharat,” there is a story of a boy named Eklavya who passionately wants to learn archery from a teacher named Drona. When he approaches Drona, the teacher refuses to teach...

Peppercorn band
13 January 2016

Ecstasy--pure human ecstasy, not the cheap drug--is a beautiful, necessary thing. Living the modern life of civilized apes, we sometimes either impoverish ourselves of the ecstasy of life or outright outlaw it. Not good; not...

Lots of people from Bernie's posing together
13 January 2016

I predict the New Year will probably include a presidential election.

  Sorry, that was a joke.

  You want to hear about music?

  Deerhunter performed at the Skully’s Music...

Montage of New Orleans images
13 January 2016

So as it turns out, we never made it to Frenchman Street.

Every year, a few friends and I engage in a weekend of musical tourism, taking trips to cities which claim a vibrant live music scene and/or some historical interest. Past...

Photo of two actors from Star Wars
13 January 2016

As we close out 2015, the continued mainstreaming of geek culture couldn't be more obvious: Star Wars: The Force Awakens is currently obliterating box office records like they're superweapons with conveniently-located weak...

Photo fo Martin Luther King, Jr.
13 January 2016

“We as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are...


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