From 1954 to 1956, nineteen Black mothers and thirty-seven children in Hillsboro, Ohio marched daily from their homes to the segregated...
A gay couple’s marriage is thrown into crisis when one of them begins a passionate affair with a younger woman.
After completing his latest project, filmmaker Tomas (Franz Rogowski) impulsively begins a heated love affair with a...
"Barbie" is a clever, colorful comedy that expertly balances contemporary women's issues, social satire, and personal discovery. It smartly critiques societal norms in today's changing social landscape. We are currently in a time where...
Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise consistently show their passion for high-octane action-adventure movies. They are in the business of giving audiences a seat-gripping, thrilling experience every time they release a Mission...
The first "Insidious" was released back in 2011 with James Wan as the director, and it's still undoubtedly the best in the series. Good horror films depend on characters, atmosphere, subtle occurrences, and mounting dread. "Insidious:...
"Past Lives" is a masterpiece about deep, genuine human emotion. In her directorial debut, Celine Song demonstrates a self-assured confidence and delivers immense emotional impact through a film that explores the rich, layered...