Please help us generate a large number of quality public comments to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in opposition to a 40,000 metric ton highly radioactive, irradiated nuclear fuel, centralized interim storage facility (...
Donald Trump is in power in large part because Democrats have repeatedly conceded elections they really won. On Tuesday, that MUST change.
Anyone deemed a close loser MUST fight. Every tally must be contested, every denial...
This essay poses reply to the polemics being waged against Ohio Issue 1, which are gaining strong momentum across media channels in the run-up to the election. These include the Issue’s rejection by judges of the Montgomery County Court...
It’s time for America to get ready for the November ballots. Time to vote! Vote for your favorite person to represent you and your family when it comes to paying taxes, getting your street repaved and the potholes repaired. We vote for...
The "[l]ongest bull run in the history of the stock market, congratulations America!" tweeted President...
The Columbus Dispatch's opinion writers do not take its news coverage seriously.
A few weeks ago, the newspaper/website took down four Republican candidates for statewide office for being asleep at the switch while ECOT and its...