
05 March 2018

I have to admit the moment that California Rapper Nipsy Hussle dropped his new “Victory Lap” I thought maybe I should roll up to the strip club, and get myself a lap dance during one of the days the dances are only 10 dollars.


A woman looking like she's painted red, nude with her arms up across her breasts and hands with fingers spread near her throat. Her face is painted pure white and she has on a lot of makeup. Her hair is blonde, short and curly and the background is red.
29 January 2018

If I were to give a Damn the Witch Siren a Rorschach test to enable my intro paragraph description; I might show them clips of Lady Gaga, a drag queen dancing, Grimes, and Tracy and the Plastics.

According to their social media:...

Black background with words Hellroys with fire coming out of the word Hell and under that the words Dumb Country noise and remastered in parentheses
04 January 2018

December turned out to be a rough month for me in terms of getting out to see some shows. I guess I just picked up the holiday laziness. So on Christmas Eve I found myself looking through the archives of albums that local acts have...

Guy in a black hoodie and brown heavy winter coat with fur collar sitting at a table with his face looking down where he is signing a CD
03 January 2018

Decide if you’re the Party of Caligula or Brewster's Millions.

Vladamir Putin: Reread the Communist Manifesto, and stop bribing Republican politicians who cut social programs and taking measures to create greater class...

Black album cover with gray thin stripes in the middle there's a black man's face with a bowler hat on at the top it says Original Master Recording then below it says Willie Dixon, I am the Blues
03 January 2018

Can a record collection have a soul and does it reveal the man who owned it?

In my time on earth as a music dealer, I've bought a number of record collections from those who’ve passed and whom I’ve...

The words Renee was HERE spray painted on a brown wall and a black woman with short hair and a red and white shirt with a black necklace and black pants stands against the wall looking to the right
07 December 2017

We finished at most 25 percent, or hopefully 50 percent, of suffering through a horrible new presidency. 2018 will emerge as a chance for state and congressional changes – albeit one where money, gerrymandering and racism will try to...


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