
The words Renee was HERE spray painted on a brown wall and a black woman with short hair and a red and white shirt with a black necklace and black pants stands against the wall looking to the right
07 December 2017

We finished at most 25 percent, or hopefully 50 percent, of suffering through a horrible new presidency. 2018 will emerge as a chance for state and congressional changes – albeit one where money, gerrymandering and racism will try to...

Four photos of men in band put together in one block, top left a white man with a brown beard playing a guitar and signing, top right a black man in a hat and goatee with plaid shirt and brown jacket leaning away from a mic while singing, bottom left a white man with grayish hair mouth wide open at mic and bottom right a bald man playing a guitar at a mic
06 December 2017

On November 26, 1976, legendary Canadian-American rock group The Band performed their final concert at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco. In addition to Rick, Robbie, Garth, Richard and Levon, the show featured a...

Young geeky guy with big black rimmed glasses wearing a bathrobe holding an electric guitar in a room with two wooden stools
05 December 2017

Beauty and trance and grace--are you getting near the amount you need?

As Keith Richards has said, everybody needs some trance in their daily lives. Same for the other two artistic virtues. Our impoverished inner worlds are...

Light blue colored background black and white cartoony houses at top left and clouds and the words the Salty Caramels over a bike and white puddles and the words in white Baby Blue
02 November 2017

I first saw the Salty Caramels seven or eight years ago when the Columbus music scene was locked in the death grip of the Americana movement. There were three ladies in matching dresses, and (if memory serves) they sang a song...

An album cover with words white on black at top The Kinks and Where Have all the good Times gone and then an oval below with yellow background with four young men with brown hair
31 October 2017

Where's the soundtrack? You can't have a revolution without the right music.

In high school I wanted to join the S.D.S. So bad and I loved Abbie Hoffman and here's a few of my...

Guy making a mean face holding a guitar and giving us the middle finger
05 October 2017

I recently looked in the mirror and decided it was time to name my column, 'Yo, Grampa."

Yo, Grampa, what was the Alamo like?

Well, you impudent lard bucket, the music was lousy. If it weren't for the Mexican army...


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