Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright scolded young women for supporting Bernie Sanders...
Bowling Green, OH: The Bowling Green Climate Protectors coalition announced today they are gathering signatures to place their Community Rights to a Healthy Environment and Livable Climate City Charter...
Why did Bryan Clark, who managed the anti-Issue 1 campaign last year, have a seat at the table at Columbus Charter Review Committee meetings? Last year Clark, chief policy advisor for Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther, took a leave of...
The Columbus Charter Review Committee is considering possible recommendations for changing Columbus City Council. City officials announced the committee just weeks before the August 2, 2016 special election on Issue 1. Columbus voters...
This week, the Senate will vote to confirm Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma Attorney General who has spent a sizeable chunk of his tenure as...
Donald Trump, who lost the 2016 presidential election by at least 2.8 million votes, has announced an "investigation." He says the federal government will look into his false assertion that some three million illegal aliens voted for...