In an ongoing struggle for free speech, a dedicated coalition of Ohioans from across the state have worked diligently to defeat...
After nearly one year to the day when a signed agreement was made between City Attorney Zach Klein and the Whitehall City Attorney’s office for Whitehall to investigate Mayor Ginther’s exparte communication with Judge Stephanie Mingo,...
This article first appeared in the Buckeye Flame
As one of the ...
A diverse coalition of Ohioans from across the state, including a caravan from Cleveland, is headed to Columbus today to testify against Senate Bill 297 (SB 297), a controversial piece of legislation being rushed through...
The Ohio Coalition To End Qualified Immunity (The OCEQI) announces serious concerns regarding Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s repeated public hostility toward the proposed initiative aimed at ending qualified immunity, prosecutorial...
After several years of rejecting the Ohio Coalition To End Qualified Immunity’s (...