Toledo, OH: At a meeting held on Monday, December 10, to certify the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) to the special election ballot in February, the Lucas County Board of Elections instead received a written protest which...
Wednesday, December 12, 11am
Genoa Park, 303 W. Broad St., downtown Columbus
Come fight for our rights in front of the statehouse with us!
Co-sponsored by
International Socialist Organization - Columbus...
Tues, Dec 11, 6-8pm
The Hills Market Downtown, 95 N. Grant
Benefiting the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. This group blesses abortion clinics and elevates the moral power of religious communities to...
Mon Dec 10, 7-9pm
First Congregational Church, 444 E. Broad St.
2018 theme: Help stop human rights violations against women worldwide! Recognizing Columbus’ Human Rights champions. Light refreshments will be provided....
Sun, Dec 9, 4:30-7pm
St. Philip Episcopal Church, 166 Woodland Ave.
“Loving Our Neighbor: Addressing Poverty With Our Heads, Hearts, and Hands” will spotlight the perspectives of various faith traditions on the topic of...
What did you miss this year that was really important? We depend on Project Censored to fill us in. The Free Press would like to cover everything – but just can’t do it in our monthly paper or even on our two websites:...