Words in black Columbus Media Insider with the M looking like broken glass
06 June 2018

A recent visit to Las Vegas demonstrated the wisdom and far-sightedness of the Nevada city's leaders compared to the "thinkers" of Columbus regarding NHL hockey and casinos.

Two decades ago, Columbus landed an NHL expansion team...

Pink and purple sky at sunset with a black silhouette of a tree with beautiful spread of intricate branches in a mushroom shape against a body of water
06 June 2018

When was the last time you lost track of your friend at a protest against a US war because you were among hundreds of thousands of fellow activists also out in the streets? When was the last time you had to squeeze yourself into a teach...

Black fist rising up from the ground like a tree with Columbus scene in the background
05 June 2018

Columbus Community Pride 2018: Back to Our Roots

It's time to celebrate Pride in the best way - as a community!  Stonewall Columbus' Pride isn't safe for LGBTQIA+ people of color, so we created Columbus Community...

Older white man in a suit with a crew cut looking distraught with a date and time at the bottom 24 2014 16:05
05 June 2018

The saying “ignorance is bliss” means that it is better to not know about a thing, situation or event. It means it's better for someone to not know what a person really thinks about you or your circumstances. Some people feel that it’s...

Words Bob Bites Back and a white man head and shoulders with black hair and black shirt shouting into a mic
05 June 2018

Now that the gubernatorial primary is over, the policies pursued by the two major party candidates for Ohio’s chief executive office indicate we’ll have boring, middle-of-the-road corporate status quo. It looks like Ohioans’ choices...

Round carton container with words Whit's in red on white with goopy brownish concoction inside like ice cream and a spoon sticking out the top
04 June 2018

Whit’s Frozen Custard in Clintonville just entered the vegan non-dairy frozen dessert market this spring to the excitement across Columbus of vegans and those who are allergic, lactose intolerant or otherwise need to avoid dairy...


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