Marijuana plants
28 September 2015

Issue 1: Ohio Bipartisan Redistricting Commission Amendment

What’s the issue?

   Issue 1 attempts to end the blatant partisan gerrymandering of Ohio’s state legislative districts.


Clean up City Hall sign
27 September 2015

Columbus citizens need to be heard and represented.

• We need to take money out of politics and create a government that is responsive to its citizens.
• We need a Ward System so that citizens are represented in City...

Hempfest poster
26 September 2015

Sun, Sept 27, “High Noon ’til 10pm,” Browning Amphitheater and South Oval at Ohio State University

Purpose: To educate the public on the myriad of potential benefits offered by the Cannabis plant, including the medicinal,...

Hempfest poster
26 September 2015

Sun, Sept 27, “High Noon ’til 10pm,” Browning Amphitheater and South Oval at Ohio State University

Purpose: To educate the public on the myriad of potential benefits offered by the Cannabis plant, including the medicinal,...

Hempfest poster
26 September 2015

Sun, Sept 27, “High Noon ’til 10pm,” Browning Amphitheater and South Oval at Ohio State University

Purpose: To educate the public on the myriad of potential benefits offered by the Cannabis plant, including the medicinal,...

20 September 2015

Get ready: the Republicans may not know it, but they’ve all but certified their ticket for 2016, and they will probably win. 

  The saturation bloviation that followed this week’s Republican presidential debates missed some...


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