
30 March 2023

Partners working at the 1085 West 5th Avenue Starbucks had worked side-by-side in cramped quarters through the entire COVID-19 pandemic.

Yet the day before their scheduled in-person unionization vote earlier this month, Starbucks...

People outside striking with signs
23 March 2023

Yesterday, March 22, was a big day for labor in Columbus. Striking Starbucks workers shut down two locations, unions crowded two Statehouse hearings, and Wex Arts workers won their union, a struggle that took over two years.


Grain silos
20 March 2023

Not only have several major Columbus-based developers taken leadership roles for RAPID 5, but two major international developers are also playing a significant part in the reshaping of Central Ohio’s five major waterways and Metro Parks...

Map of Ohio solar farms and solar workers
13 March 2023

Ohio’s non-residential solar industry – also known as utility-scale solar energy – is entering into a boomtime. Across the state’s vast farmlands massive solar panel farms are coming online, under construction or in a planning phase,...

Cows being beamed up to a spaceship
10 March 2023

Two-day event to talk unexplained sightings, strange phenomena in the shadow of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

The UFO Heritage Team

What does our government know about UFOs? What does the evidence say about why they are...

Information about steriods
04 March 2023

When people in the Columbus, Ohio area think about the Arnold Sports Festival, it’s usually about how much revenue it generates over the three-day weekend it takes place over the first weekend of March every year.

That is...


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