"First Person Singular" is an occasional column by JP Marat that empowers artists, musicians and community activists to speak in their own voice. Sincere thanks to The Columbus Free Press for the opportunity to let our voices be heard...
The Free Press honors Earth Day 2015 by saluting a local group with the goal to promote clean, sustainable energy. The Clintonville Energy Cooperative (CEC) currently takes on projects to make people’s homes more energy...
Columbus elector Jonathan C. Beard today filed an elections Complaint seeking to end false campaign statements being made by Columbus mayoral candidate Andrew Ginther and his surrogates. My Complaint, filed with the Ohio Elections...
I attended the Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio (SDCO) meeting on April 7th in support of Columbus City Council candidate Will Petrik. I learned that the SDCO had recommended Petrik to be endorsed for Columbus City Council...
Once upon a time if you were stopped by the police, and for whatever reason, found yourself being the victim of police brutality, even with witnesses, you would lose in a court of law based on the “word” of the police officer(...
Back in early 2010 Ohio stood at the cusp of modern 21st century technological revolution.
It had won a new federal-funded rail line to finally re-join Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Cincinnati....