
25 December 2022

The Christmas present of the congressional January 6 Committee is a report that the White House administration of Donald Trump, in its final months, opted for an official policy of lawlessness and sedition. Not only was there a...

Joe Motil
30 November 2022

After months of speculation and rumors as to whether or not current Columbus Mayor Andy Ginther was going to run for re-election in 2023 ( or some other ordained Franklin County Democratic Party Democrat) it is rumored that Mr. Ginther...

Gary Witte
10 November 2022

November 10, 2022

Our city is in a desperate housing crisis. The evidence is all around us. Huddled masses of beggars at intersections, shelters at capacity, tent squatters springing up on many vacant lots, thousands of families...

25 October 2022

Ryan Takeover Seen As Last Resort

Before I share the scripts I promised last week of video ads designed to turn Ohio voters in the direction of Nan Whaley and the other statewide candidates, I wish to comment on the...

Jeff Crossman
13 October 2022

I’m old-fashioned. I think you can only learn so much about a candidate by reading about him and watching him on video.

I believe you must experience a candidate up close and personal by seeing him speak, watching him interact...

Joe Motil
05 October 2022

The Free Press is pleased to announce that we will honor Joe Motil with our 2022 “Libby” award for Lifetime Achievement in Community Activism. Each year, the board of the Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism (CICJ), the...


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