
Spiderman flying through buildings
09 June 2023

“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is the new animated film that follows "Into the Spider-Verse." It will be succeeded by "Beyond the Spider-Verse." The movie is directed by a talented team, including Kemp Powers, known for his...

Pranav Jani
14 May 2023

Free Press Board member Mark Stansbery kicked off the May 13 May Day Cyber-Salon from Japan with the theme of worker’s rights. Mark and Yoshie are getting ready for the G7 actions taking place there this month.


Man at a microphone and another looking on
05 May 2023

One week ago, I was physically assaulted in a public place, prior to a press event, by a high-ranking City of Columbus official. But, because I do not know the man’s date of birth, I was not allowed to file charges.

This happened...

Young dark-haired woman
20 April 2023

Former Columbus police officer Andrew Mitchell was inexplicably exonerated by a jury this week for the brutal murder of 23-year-old Donna Dalton Castleberry. What was not brought before the jury was the fact, as reported in local media...

Still from salon
09 April 2023

Free Press readers gathered Saturday evening, April 8, for a Cyber-Salon.

Link to salon video.

Mark Stansbery, Free Press Board member, started out...

John Hartman
29 March 2023

I write in sadness but with admiration and memories of pleasure. I am of an age. I dedicated my 2022 book, Searching for Literacy, to four scholar/friends who I knew well for between 25 and more than 50 years. I published...


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