"Asteroid City" is undeniably the most Wes Andersony movie to date, with his vivid colors, meta-narrative, and signature cast of quirky characters. This being his 11th feature film, Anderson also wrote the screenplay, with credit to...
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is the new animated film that follows "Into the Spider-Verse." It will be succeeded by "Beyond the Spider-Verse." The movie is directed by a talented team, including Kemp Powers, known for his...
Free Press Board member Mark Stansbery kicked off the May 13 May Day Cyber-Salon from Japan with the theme of worker’s rights. Mark and Yoshie are getting ready for the G7 actions taking place there this month.
One week ago, I was physically assaulted in a public place, prior to a press event, by a high-ranking City of Columbus official. But, because I do not know the man’s date of birth, I was not allowed to file charges.
This happened...
Former Columbus police officer Andrew Mitchell was inexplicably exonerated by a jury this week for the brutal murder of 23-year-old Donna Dalton Castleberry. What was not brought before the jury was the fact, as reported in local media...
Free Press readers gathered Saturday evening, April 8, for a Cyber-Salon.
Mark Stansbery, Free Press Board member, started out...