“Dune: Part Two” is a sensory overload of epic proportions. In the highly anticipated sequel to 2021’s “Dune,” director Denis Villeneuve returns to the vast universe of Frank Herbert’s iconic sci-...
“Dune: Part Two” is a sensory overload of epic proportions. In the highly anticipated sequel to 2021’s “Dune,” director Denis Villeneuve returns to the vast universe of Frank Herbert’s iconic sci-...
A Problem Even in Death
When Jimmy came home last night he went straight to his bedroom. He was bone-tired, mentally, and physically, and fell asleep, waking up this morning still in the clothes he wore yesterday...
Is This My Punishment?
Judge Janet Washington took a sip of her coffee as she read the messages that were starting to pile up on her desk. Since the murder of her son, she wasn’t on top of her game. She wasn’t returning...
Do I Want to Know
I was waiting anxiously for Jean to come home from school. Mr. Jimmy had beaten her home, and I was staying quiet in my room because I didn’t want to speak with him yet. Finally, she...
Despite its flaws and an '80s soundtrack that outshines the film itself, Zelda Williams' directorial debut, "Lisa Frankenstein," crafts a modern-day Frankenstein tale with a mix of camp, romance, and a dash of gore. This oddly...