This story appeared in the Ohio Capital Journal
The United States is the only democracy in the world where...
This story appeared in the Ohio Capital Journal
The United States is the only democracy in the world where...
Hello, fellow Ohioans,
I just finished reading, and rereading, and then reading again, what I thought would be a straight forward explanation of Amendment 1. The amendment appears on the November 5, Ohio presidential ballot.. ...
In December 2022, during the Christmas holiday season and lame duck session – with no public input - the Ohio General Assembly stuffed a poultry bill with amendments and passed a law requiring fracking under Ohio’s state parks and...
Today’s Ohio Capital Journal reported that, “A former city employee received a $195,000 settlement from the city of Columbus after claiming she was illegally required to work on the 2023 reelection campaign of Mayor Andrew...
Ohio is among the top 10 states where gerrymandering runs rampant. Now, a chorus of Black Faith leaders are uniting and urging Ohioans to vote yes on Issue 1, which will end gerrymandering by empowering citizens, instead of politicians...
Yo, Yost, no one is eating dogs and cats in Springfield! No one is eating dead geese or ducks either. Please stop the mad hysteria! AG Yost should grow a backbone instead and defend Springfield, Ohio and not spread fake news started by...